Joseph Smith was called of God to be the first prophet in the latter days. He was given power from God to translate an ancient record of the peoples who lived on the American continent before, during, and after the time of Christ. This translated record was published as the "Book of Mormon". Joseph Smith was also called to restore God's church back to the earth. To do this the "priesthood" power, or power or God, was restored to him by the "laying on of hands"... given to him directly from the hands of John the Baptist and also from the ancient apostles Peter, James, and John.
This film portrays these events and continues to show the establishment of Christ's church through the prophet Joseph Smith know as "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints". It details some of the trials he and the early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints went through during the first years as members of the newly restored church. It also shows the tragic deaths of some of the Saints by persecution they received at this time as well as the murder by a mob of both Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith at carthage jail.
Here is a link to the movie above... it is about 1 hour and is worth it. Wether you are a member of this faith or familiar with the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or not, it is a great way to understand the courage and faith that founded what is now a worldwide church. Also why so many people since that time have taken the challenge to "read and study these things" and to take the question of its truth to God in sincere prayer... to know from Him who's church we claim to be, whether or not The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the church of Jesus Christ re-established under his direction on the earth today. To know that the Book of Mormon is a true ancient record translated by the power of God that testifies that Jesus is the Christ... and consequently to know that Joseph Smith was called, not by man or by himself, but directly from God. That he did see God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
A little about me... I guess that some would call me a stubborn or skeptical person by nature. I could never be content (okay that isn't a strong enough word... I could never be dragged, pushed, pulled, compelled or even strung up by the heels :) to belong to a church or believe in any doctrine which claimed to be from God, if I could not find out from Him if they were true. I am one who needs to know for myself directly from God through prayer if the way I worship and the beliefs and doctrines I follow are His ways and doctrines. If The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ church on the earth today. If it has His sanction and His power. If it has a living Prophet at it's head who receives direction and revelation directly from God so that things are done the Lord's way. If, as is claimed, the Book of Mormon is true and that through the power of God given to His church, families can be "sealed" or bound together for this life and for all eternity. That families can be together for ever and the relationships we have in this life can and will continue after death.
Important questions, that I have and do believe are worth taking the time to read and to pray about to find the answers. I know that doing this... by studying the Book of Mormon and pondering its teachings, one can, by asking God in sincere prayer, receive an answer by the power of the Holy Ghost. For me the answers to this and many other questions have come to me in different ways. Because they come as a feeling to ones heart and soul that can be so different from anything else we have experienced before up to that point, it can be hard to describe to someone else. Sometimes it is a simple sense of peace and calm pouring into my heart. A sweetness of the love of God almost like a literal burning or warmth in my heart and soul.... like as if the Holy Ghost came into your heart with a new feeling where there is no doubt that what you are feeling is given to you from God because He loves you so much and wants you to know His will for us. Sometimes it is an overwhelming feeling of joy or happiness. Other times again it is a gentle peace or a soft feeling like a whisper.
One thing that all these answers to my personal prayers add up to, is the ability that I can say to myself as well as others that I know from God Himself the truth of the things that I have asked Him about.
I know that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ live. That they are so mindful of us and love us individually so much. That the care what we choose to do in this life and that they have desires/plans/hopes for us in this life and desire us to become like them. That for us to do so, Jesus Christ came to earth to show us how to live.... not just the people he walked among, but everyone who came before Him and after Him regardless of when and where they lived/live. That in order for us to learn about and know of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Exemplar, Christ called, talked to and taught prophets to teach about His coming and mission on earth before He came to live on this earth. Some of these prophets were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaiah, and Moses. That He also called prophets among the people in the Americas as we read about in the translated record "The Book of Mormon". That they were also important to God and that Christ's message and power to save and redeem were and are today universally critical and important. And because we in our time are also just as important as those who lived before and during the time of Christ, He has called Prophets in our day who also speak with and know Christ so that they can teach the people of His role and mission as our Mediator with God and our Savior and Redeemer. I love the fact that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.... that He would call and teach His people through prophets. That when the people rejected the prophets of old, He would not give up on them but call another prophet to teach His gospel to. That like the prophets who came before him, He Himself was eventually rejected and slain as well as his apostles by the people, He still didn't forsake us... He called again as He had done before another Prophet to teach us and so we can know of His love and mercy towards us...
Please take an opportunity to view this movie... to heft and read the Book of Mormon. To ask God to know if it is true. What is the worst that can happen... you will either walk away from the experience no worse off then when you started or you will find out that God does talk to His children today through Prophets, that He has a way for us to return to Him, that He has established a church today, and that He truly is our Savior and Redeemer and that there is another testament of His mission as the loving Savior of all man to compliment and uphold the testaments compiled in the Bible, that He desires our Happiness and eternal welfare... Now that knowledge, if true, is worth any effort don't you think!